Back in the late 70's and early 80's I had the pleasure of self-publishing a bunch of li'l mini-comix and being a li'l part of the New Wave comix scene.

Back then I subscribed to a newsletter called Clay Geerdes' Comix World (or at one time Comix Wave). Clay worked out of Berkely CA, and for the price of two copies of the comic,he would give aspiring artist's books a free plug. The going rate for the minis back then was 50 cents and a S.A.S.E. It was the biggest thrill to get orders from people clear around the world, and though I never got rich, I got great satisfaction from the knowledge that someone I'd never met was looking at (and hopefully enjoying) something I'd made!!!

Many of the Geerdes Alumni went on to do professional work in the comics field (Probably the most successful being Kevin Eastman of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles fame). I only ever published one standard size black and white comic book (Calculated Risk #1 under Genesis Publishing). Though it sold pretty well, life got in the way and after joining a band, I kind of lost interest. I may some time get back into comics, but time will tell...

Meanwhile, I decided to scan some of these old mini comix and publish them again on the Internet. Thanks to the World Wide Web, hopefully, once again, someone clear around the world I've never met will be looking at (and hopefully enjoying) something I made!!!

Please bear in mind these were enlarged from the printed comic (Who knows WHERE the original art is), which was 4 1/4" X 5 1/2" and usually artists will work bigger and rely on reduction to tighten things up...I did, however, have the pleasure of coloring Cubistik Comiks, Bunny Tales #1, Bunny Tales #3 (I was unable to scan one page each on these two,and had to substitute), Space Cadet, and a few other odds and ends using Windows Paintbrush, and Overly Optimistic Comics never saw print before this!!! These were all the minis I could find at the moment, but as I can dig them out from wherever I've hidden them, I'll post some more.

There is also work here by Steve Willis, Mike Hill, and Garry Hardman.

These may take a while to load, but I hope you find them worth the wait. If any of the pages don't load totally, try hitting "Refresh"! Each book will open up on it's own web page, and if you see something you like, feel free to send it to a friend on ICQ...


Mini Squirts!!!



*Art Can Be Fun!!!

*Overly Optimistic Comics


*Cubistik Comiks

*Space Cadet

*Bunny Tales #1

*Bunny Tales #3

*Miscellaneous #1